How is this different from other Engineering and Science Programs?

  • Each student determines the problem he wants to solve based on issues he has experienced in his own lives
  • Solution is a real-world, practical invention of their own design

What will this cost my school?

The California Invention Convention is sponsored into the school systems based on generous grants by local businesses. There are no fees for taking part at this time, and even in mature programs nationally, cost rarely exceeds $150 per school for unlimited kids. Invention Convention is an exceedingly cost-effective way to get kids practicing real life skills that will last a lifetime.

Why have I never heard of California Invention Convention?

This is a new initiative here in California.  Last year we did a Proof-of-Concept at Pacific Elementary School in Davenport, CA.  Starting with the 2016 school year, we began our Pilot Project – with over 20 schools participating in Santa Clara and Santa Cruz County.  We are ramping up our first state-wide Invention Convention in late Spring 2017.

Since it’s so new, why would I want my school or classroom or students to participate?

While the initiative is new in California, it is well established in other states.  The Connecticut Invention Convention has been doing this for 35 years – – and they generously have shared their curricular resources with us.  Other established states include Ohio and Idaho.  While California had only 4 inventors attending the National Invention Convention, there were hundreds of inventors there from around the United States.  This year, we plan on sending a much larger delegation.

My school already has Invention Education.  Can we participate in California Invention Convention (and National Convention)?

Yes you can!  There are some criteria around inventions that every inventor must follow – but if those criteria are met, the more the merrier. Students must first attend the state Convention and then selected students are invited to the National Convention. Contact us so we can discuss it further.

“All Kids Are Inventors”